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"My daughter deserves to live in a state that values, protects and encourages greatness of its residents.  Currently, with Missouri's restrictive abortion ban, the continued war of public education, while ignoring job growth in rural areas, Missouri is falling behind on providing any of us the state we all know Missouri CAN BE. It can be better and that is what I promise to do as your next Missouri House District 4 Representative. 
Missouri's twenty years of GOP supermajority have waged war on public education. Missouri is currently ranked 49th in school funding and 50th in teacher pay. We cannot afford to keep losing our veteran teachers to surrounding states because the legislature refused to pay them what they deserve. Missouri teachers deserve a higher and livable wage. Our children deserve access to literature that have shaped the country and broadened minds to reach for the stars.  
Rural schools need to keep a five-day school week so we don't burden working families with needing additional, costly childcare. With some school districts implementing four-day school weeks this is a hardship for working families across the state. 
School vouchers are a scam. School districts are not businesses and should not be run as such. Our bottom line should not be a profit; our students growing up to become productive, educated members of society, that should be our goal. Book bans and excessive outside oversite is not necessary in running a successful school district. The youth should have opportunities to read, learn and experience different ways of thinking. Teachers and school administration are trained in how that needs to be delivered in an efficient and effective way. Government should LET them. 
Abortion Rights

With the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Missouri's trigger law has some of the most restrictive language for abortion care. Missouri does not allow an abortion even in cases of rape, incest or if the life of the mother is threatened. Missouri Uteruses deserve Better!!! How dare a legislative body interfere in a patient's care. These restrictions were not written by physicians or even with their guidance. They are all about control; plain and simple.  

Job Growth

Northeast Missouri has a lack of opportunities for those wanting to start businesses in the area. We need to partner with local colleges, universities, and industrial outlets to encourage innovation and job creation. 

Missouri is the Show Me State and that is not limited to only those who look, love or worship alike. Our diversity is what makes us great. We should embrace our cultural, ethnic, and diversity differences. Being a biracial child, I never saw someone who looked like me. Representation is key. I support LGBTQ+ rights because love is love.
A separation of church and state is paramount for the continuation of our nation to thrive. We are not a Christian nation; we are a nation of different religions that allows all to practice their own faith or to not. 
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